R-03 FILM EXTRACT: laurence anderson evaluation |
Tuesday, 3 March 2009 |
laurence anderson evaluation |
Our film was a low budget British drama set in rural Cambridgeshire, a Space obsessed teenager believes his dad has been abducted by Aliens, as the story unfolds we discover how the boys farther had left him at a young age, and the boy had made himself believe that his Dad was actually abducted by Aliens because he repressed the truth and watched all his fathers Alien films and documentaries over and over until he truly believed that his Dad was abducted by Aliens. His Mother is an alcoholic and neglects him. He never had a 'proper childhood' so his imagination has run wild! The film concludes with the boy finding his father, after he finds and watches a collection of videos his father recorded himself, planning to and attempting to find Aliens, which he used to locate his dad. After they meet, they continue their search for Aliens together.  Initially we brainstormed ideas of what possible film ideas that we had, then decided on the most appropriate one for the time window and materials we had accessible to us. When we were ready to start planning our film sequence we each took roles, I knew that I perhaps wasn’t cut out for editing or camera work, and creating the sound track proved to be an ideal option. I also stared as the main character in the actual sequence, we didn’t have a director so all three of us shared this role as well as doing our main role. When it came to choosing a genre, we decided on a low budget British drama, this clearly influenced our decisions on the plot and editing. Our plot was influenced by this, by giving us the prospect to film realistic British life, we hoped that this element would give the sequence a more naturalistic look to it. When it came deciding what pr ops costumes and location to use. We knew that we wanted nothing special; the fact that our budget was no existent had no effect. This influenced the editing because a low budget would not have any complex special effects, so I should not use any complex special effects either; otherwise it would not follow the conventions of a typical low budget British drama. Our entire group got along fine when it came do developing the character. Most discussion about the narrative and the character went on either the night before we began filming or during. the only problem we faced was in editing when we discovered that we where over the time limit however our editor ,I believe, did a very good job at adapting and changing our sequence when editing it, We had to discus which shots to keep in and which to Remove whilst in general keeping our narrative the same.  We decided to film our extract in rural Cambridge, we wanted to create a sense of isolation, and we wanted to create this through a empty almost desolate location, so we chose an area called Swaffem Prior, It was very rural and perfect for what we needed.
When it came to creating the sound track I wanted to create definite emotion in the music, I wanted the sequence to run smoothly with the music so the audience feels like they are not just watching a screen but they are emotionally attached. There were three primary elements to the soundtrack I created, I wanted to create a sense of wonder with the opening sound, and then when the heavy drum and bass comes in to create the feeling of perhaps unease or discomfort then the final part was a defiantly trying to stir emotion. The feedback I received for the sound was generally very positive, they commented on the good shift between emotion and the way the music created atmosphere. An example of this which they highlighted was the sound when the car pulls up with the fast change in mood and how tension was created as it gets louder then cuts into full volume. Although the majority of the sound worked well some elements perhaps do not fit , for instance I am not entirely happy with the opening music I do not think the two instruments I chose Work well together and I think I could have done it better. I am very pleased with our attempt to create a transition between non-diagetic and diagetic sound.
My technical skills and frequent practice of garage band and other multisampling music software defiantly helped me. When it came to creating our soundtrack, also I think the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed doing it contributed to its outcome.Labels: laurence anderson |
posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 14:57  |
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