This is a sci-fi film set in rural Cambridgeshire, a Space obsessed teenager believes his dad has been abducted by Aliens, as the story unfolds we discover how the boys farther had left him at a young age, and the boy had made himself believe that his Dad was actually abducted by Aliens because he repressed the truth and watched all his fathers Alien films and documentarys over and over until he truly believed that his Dad was abducted by Aliens. His Mother is an alcoholic and neglects him. He never had a 'proper childhood' so his imagination has run wild! The film concludes with the boy finding his father, after he finds and watches a collection of videos his father recorded himself, planning to and attempting to find Aliens, which he used to locate his dad. After they meet, they continue their search for Aliens together. Labels: Jack Nicol, Keeley Moore, laurence anderson |